Sunday 4 March 2018

Weaning... Questions and Answers on weaning

So we've rounded up some parents who have questions for us about weaning so let's see how this goes!

Q: When is the recommended age to start weaning? 

A: That is a very good question and one that is asked alot! I actually did research to gauge what was being sprouted over the internet and I can understand why parents get confused. 
Literally the first thing to that question on Google was this:

The NHS advice in the UK is actually 6 months, mainly for the purposes of making sure their stomachs and gut can digest properly. This is just a guide but there really is no rush to push your babies to be on solids. You know your baby and you'll know when they're ready. Which goes to our next question...

Q: What are the signs of them being ready for weaning?

A: It can be an number of things but each baby is different what one baby does doesn't mean another baby will. But the usual signs are if they're watching you eat, trying to grab your food, making the mouth movements copying you, sometimes when they're still hungry after their bottle of milk and not feeling the satisfied tummy is full like normal. OR they may just get to 6 months and you give it a try and you get a good response

Q: Why does my baby gag when i feed them?

A: As weird as it sounds that's actually really common. Babies have really sensitive gag reflexes, sometimes changing the food texture will help. Putting more milk in if it's too thick that kind of thing.

Q: What type of weaning are there?

A: Okay so there are two different types: Baby Led Weaning and the spoon with puree weaning. The Baby Led Weaning is giving your child feed themselves. It doesn't involved purees or spoons it entails putting food in front of them to pick up and feed themselves. The pureed version is when you puree and feed them with a spoon. There are pros and cons, Baby Led Weaning only works if your baby has the coordination otherwise it won't work. Trial both if you're not sure and find a way that suits you and your baby. 

Q: What equipment do I need?

A: This is hugely influenced by which type of weaning you choose to do. If you go down the pureed route you'll need plastic spoons and forks. You'll need a blender, we actually sell a Tommee Tippee blender for £20.00 and it's very small and compact. I also use blenders and I'm using this product every day. The tub can be taken out very easily perfect for pouring the mixture ouy. It's really easy to use and clean, it also clips in securely. This is the best blender I've experienced in 9 years. 
You'll also need some kind highchair to feed them in, if they aren't sitting independently personally i feed mine in their swing/ rocker chair. 

Q: What foods are good for them to eat? 

A: This one is actually a really good question because we can't always keep googling each item of food. It's pretty simple really, don't over complicate this. 

Q: What foods should a 6 Month old avoid?

Overall the best advice we can give you is: don't rush it, start mixing their current milk in with purees, and finally, ENJOY IT! 

Happy Weaning from Bed and Baby Ltd