Thursday 14 December 2017

Potty training reality

I think we'd all love to just flick a switch and poof! Done, child potty trained!

If you've ever played a game called 'Life is Strange' on the Xbox One where you can rewind time and change what you do/ or stop others from doing it... That's kind of how you feel when you potty train... 

Particularly when they decide they need potty in the middle of the supermarket, or when you're in the car. You know when they shout 'Need Potty' you've got 30 seconds to produce potty otherwise deployment of wee will commence. Then 'manic run around' begins. Whereby you're fighting against your child's bladder control and trying not to make a public scene.

You suddenly have to calculate numerical data in 0.07 seconds, can you make the supermarket toilets in time? Can you stop at a safe place in the car? Would it be really inappropriate to whip out potty and Child's bottom in a busy Christmas market because there is NO way they're going to make the toilets on the other end of the market.  

And that's just the urine... If you're lucky you can catch the doo-doo before it reaches your fresh cream carpets. Your hands won't be grateful and no matter how hard you scrub that smell will linger... for hours but your carpets will continue to be poo-free... For now. 

Unless you're really unlucky and that's what happened in your dream and in reality your child smeared poo all over your cream carpet and your sofa changing your whole colour scheme for the living room. That smells will also linger, for hours but your view of your child will significantly change. Firstly how can someone so tiny have so much poo inside them? And secondly how can someone so cute still look cute when there's poo smeared across their face and in their hair? 

Who's idea was it to start potty training?! 

Don't let me put you off, in all seriousness it's a huge milestone that hugely benefits your child's development. It's part of nature and it's completely normal to have 'accidents' but don't worry you're not going to get an 18 year old with no bladder control and still smearing poo over your cream carpets, unless they're drunk. In which case i'd probably get them to pay for the cleaning bill! 

One of the many things that helps potty training is books explaining in 'toddler talk' about potty training. Another thing is having the potty to hand in the house, let them sit on it fully clothed, let them put their toys in it (run cars along the side or sit their dollies in it)- obviously clean and unused potty! Make them feel completely open and comfortable with potty. (starting to sound slightly like some zen- be one with potty) 

Additionally- reward charts, stickers. Every time they do the deed even if they just try and nothing comes out its still an achievement. Jump up and down and hooray- fake enthusiasm. Positive reinforcement- children thrive on positive encouragement. They'll look at you completely bewildered like you've just grown a third arm but you're reinforcing the 'you did good, do that again' thoughts. 

Don't be too concerned if it takes a while for them to poo in the potty, psychologically because it feels different they struggle a little bit more to crack that.  You'll probably experience it again when you start toilet training.

The other great thing you can do is get a character potty. They like Frozen? Get a Frozen potty. They like Thomas the Tank Engine? Get a musical singing potty just like the one we sell. It makes potty training fun!

When you've successfully got into a nice accident free potty routine then you'll need to start progressing to toilet training. You'll need to look at a step/ stool to aide them to climb onto the toilet and access the sink to clean their hands.

And you'll need to look at toilet seats. Handles are easier for them to climb on and off but you can get some without handles. They also come in different designs etc depending on what your child likes.

Just remember it's a learning curve for both of you. Don't stress and let it progress at a pace your child is happy with. 

No pressure. Just enjoy this bonding


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